The Cantor School
The school was created out of concern for beauty, to ensure that cantors are well prepared and knowledge of their responsibilities.
The school was created out of concern for beauty, to ensure that cantors are well prepared and knowledge of their responsibilities.
Founded in 2011, the Cantor School is three-year vocal liturgical course. The school is intended for beginning, intermediate and advanced vocalists who seek to improve their qualifications in the field of liturgical music.
Students learn the basics of music, develop proper vocal technique, and learn the cantor’s role in the Church. Instruction emphasizes four-part song and Gregorian chant.
Twenty-four hours are dedicated to each over the course of the year. Introduction to Music Theory – Music lessons are paramount for those who have not yet had a musical education. In this course, taught by Anna Kubik, students gain an organized overview of relevant music theory. Students learn to read music in both the bass and treble clefs, as well as rhythm, intervals, keys and pitch. Homework assignments allow students develop proficiency in the covered material.
This topic combines sight reading and ear training, allowing students to apply their growing musical knowledge. Students learn to recognize intervals, and practice reading music following the direction of Tomasz Samulnik OP.
Teachers lead students in an ensemble. Cantor School participants learn to sing as part of a 4-voice choir, focusing on diction and vocal sound. Choral Music – – Sławomir Witkowski introduces students to a rich repertoire of monophonic Gregorian and Dominican chants. Students apply choral notation. Gregorian psalm tones, hymns, antiphons, responses and reading are emphasized.
Zajęcia z chorału obejmują naukę bogatego repertuaru monodycznych śpiewów liturgicznych zarówno chorału gregoriańskiego jak i innych tradycji (np. chorał dominikański) oraz najcenniejszych polskich śpiewów tradycyjnych. Na tych zajęciach uczymy się notacji chorałowej, poznajemy w praktyce gregoriańskie tony psalmowe, śpiewamy hymny, antyfony, psalmy, responsoria, czytania.
These classes develop a student’s musical ear, a skill that is particularly applied to sight-reading through this course. Under the direction of Anita Pyrek, students learn the necessary skills of a cantor, including intonation, intervals and chords.
Podczas tych zajęć uczymy się ćwiczeń, mających na celu podniesienie kondycji wokalnej, czyli dłuższe i bardziej efektywne operowanie głosem. Poznajemy także zasady prawidłowej wymowy oraz pracujemy nad dykcją.
Poszerzanie repertuaru; pieśni ze śpiewników Niepojęta Trójco i spoza nich oraz przygotowywanie śpiewów na egzamin końcowy. Prowadzenie o. Mirosław Piśniak OP i o. Wojciech Sznyk OP.
We invite individuals without musical education, who would like to learn the basic music theory pertinent to cantors to apply as first year students. During the audition, applicants will be asked to sing any liturgical song. They will also be asked to perform several vocal and musical exercises. The auditions give applicants the opportunity to demonstrate their liturgical musical potential.
Students hone their choral skills and gain reliable knowledge of Gregorian chant and other traditional chants.
This course focuses on correct sound production, expanding on individual vocal abilities. Instructors help students produce beautiful sounds, suitable to liturgical music.
What is the liturgy? What does a beautiful and worthy celebration look like? What is the role of music in the liturgy? Who is the cantor? What is his or her place in the Church? What rules govern liturgical music? What is the role of the choir? Why should we sing? How are Mass repertoires selected? This class addresses these and other pertinent questions.
Dawid Kusz OP teaches this course, applying and furthering previously acquired skills. Students learn how to conduct a group while sampling liturgical works. Styles pertinent to cantors and choirs are emphasized. Students learn what distinguishes liturgical music from other musical performances.
Sławomir Witkowski introduces students to a rich repertoire of monophonic Gregorian and Dominican chants, as well as Polish music. Students apply choral notation. Gregorian psalm tones, hymns, antiphons, responses and reading are emphasized.
Anita Pyrek further students musical listening skills, emphasizing interval recognition and musical dictations.
Podczas tych zajęć uczymy się ćwiczeń, mających na celu podniesienie kondycji wokalnej, czyli dłuższe i bardziej efektywne operowanie głosem. Poznajemy także zasady prawidłowej wymowy oraz pracujemy nad dykcją. Zajęcia prowadzi Artur Zajt.
Uczestnik tych zajęć ma uzyskać wiedzę dotyczącą animowania śpiewu w czasie wybranych form modlitewnych np. liturgii godzin (jutrzni, nieszporów, komplety, wigilii), śpiewań nabożnych (zadusznych, adwentowych, pasyjnych, maryjnych), akatystów (do Ducha Świętego i Matki Bożej).
We invite those who have musical knowledge (a formal musical education is not required) equivalent to the first level of the Cantor School to apply to the second year of studies. Individuals must demonstrate knowledge of musical skills, such as the ability to recognize intervals and triads.
During the audition, second year applicants who have not completed the first year of studies will be asked to sing any liturgical song and recognize (and tune) a few intervals from a tuning fork. The auditions give applicants the opportunity to demonstrate musical skill as well as a familiarity with intervals.
The application opens each June, and closes September, or as spots are filled. There is a processing fee and the preliminary audition. If admitted, new students must pay tuition before classes began. All classes are in Polish.
Cantor School instructors are experts in the field of liturgical music. Each of our instructors have studied theory and have extensive musical experience; many are practices cantors from different musical backgrounds.
If you want to join the Cantor School, let us know:
The auditions give applicants the opportunity to demonstrate their liturgical musical potential.
Participants will find payment links in their acceptance emails (for a transfer, installment or an invoice). If you choose to set up an installment, chose between the options based on creditworthiness.
If you have questions, please call the Foundation’s office at 12 444 12 52 at any point in the application or payment process.
„Kantor nie musi skupiać na sobie uwagi, ale ma służyć swoimi umiejętnościami tam, gdzie jest taka potrzeba i możliwość. W jednej parafii celem będzie podniesienie poziomu śpiewu na niedzielnej mszy świętej, w innej bardziej lub mniej regularna posługa podczas Liturgii godzin, jeszcze gdzie indziej zorganizowanie śpiewania pieśni nabożnych”
Koordynator projektu
Na naszym kanale YouTube publikujemy informacje na temat zajęć, ale także praktyczne pomoce w posłudze kantorskiej.
Koniecznie zasubskrybujcie kanał lub śledźcie playlistę!
Kontakt z sekretariatem:
Fundacja Dominikański Ośrodek Liturgiczny
ul. Stolarska 6/30, 31-043 Kraków
tel. (+48) 12 430 19 34 wew. 8