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Our office is open Monday through Friday
from 10 am. to 4 pm. CEST
Our office is open Monday through Friday
from 10 am. to 4 pm. CEST
Dominican Liturgical Center Foundation
6/30 Stolarska Street
31-043 Krakow, Poland
tel. 0048 12 430 19 34 ext. 0
e-mail: office@dlc.foundation
VAT identification number: PL6762419775
D-U-N-S Number: 426689950, REGON: 121200337
National Court Register number (KRS): 0000354036
Donations in EUR: PL64 1140 2004 0000 3212 0458 1585
Donations in USD: PL31 1140 2004 0000 3812 1049 7818 – see more
You can use a convenient form to contact us quickly – we’ll reply to a given address as soon as possible:
Dominican Liturgical Center Store
Stolarska 12
31-043 Krakow, Poland
phone: (+48) 12 44 66 265
e-mail: sklep@liturgia.dominikanie.pl
messenger: @sklepdol
Our store is open: Monday through Friday from 11 am. to 6 pm.,
Saturdays and Sundays from 11 am. to 3 pm.
phone: (+48) 12 44 66 770 or (+48) 662 180 916
e-mail: sklep@liturgia.pl
messenger: @liturgiapl
PLN account for online orders (IBAN):
PL93 1140 2004 0000 3302 7522 9737, BIC/SWIFT: BREXPLPWMBK
PayPal form for online orders
Online store customer service (phone and e-mail) is available:
Monday through Friday from 9 am. to 6 pm.
phone: (+48) 12 44 66 278 or (+48) 662 180 918
e-mail: hurt@liturgia.dominikanie.pl
phone: (+48) 12 444 69 66
e-mail: redakcja@liturgia.pl