A reconstruction of the twelfth-century second vespers from the celebration of St. James ended, in the packed Basilica of the Holy Trinity at Stolarska Street, this year’s Musica Divina Festival, of which we were a partner.
This extraordinary project, bringing to light the forgotten musical treasures of the world of medieval pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela, is the result of cooperation between two groups of performers: the French Ensemble Organum and the Polish Schola Cantorum Minorum Chosoviensis.
The theme of Vespers was the leitmotif of this year’s musical journey prepared for Krakow – and visiting – music lovers by the inCanto Foundation. Our Foundation was happy to help in partnership in organizing two concerts and a liturgy at the beginning and end of the festival. See you next year!
photo Paulina Krzyżak/musicadivina.pl