Book by Fr. Tomasz Gutowski is a journey to the sources of the Angelic Doctor’s thoughts on Christian worship. Author, from the source, is an abbreviation of the texts of the Saint of Avin, which is the essence of his liturgical thoughts. Get to know it, we discover that it is not a distant theory, but can have an impact on the spiritual life of each individual.

Aquinas makes clear that liturgy leads to union with God that begins here and now, not in some indefinite future. He also argues that the world is not caused by the line of demarcation between sacrum and profanum. On the contrary – the Church and every Christian can be a being pleasing to God and consecrated to Him.

If we want to renew our sensitivity to the living presence of Christ in the sacraments, and also to better understand the shape that the liturgy has taken over the centuries until today, it is worth returning to the experiences and thoughts of this theologian, whose message, although medieval, is still relevant in the twenty-first century.

The book will be available for pre-order in our online store from August 30, 2023, and shipping will begin on September 6. It will also be available for purchase at the book stand during the Mysterium Fascinans retreat.

Fr. Tomasz Gutowski comes from Brodnica. He was ordained a priest in 2022 and is a priest of the Toruń diocese. For a year he served as a vicar in the parish of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe in Grudziądz. In 2023, he began specialist studies at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in Rome. His interests concern both individual fields of theological sciences – such as liturgy, dogmatic theology and biblical studies, as well as the thoughts of St. Thomas Aquinas. He is the initiator and co-founder of the Mysterium Fidei Liturgical Center in Toruń.

The book was published as part of the “Mysterium Fascinans” series, which was created by combining the “Source and Summit” series of the Dominican Liturgical Center and the “Liturgical Thought” series of the WAM Publishing House. The title “Mysterium Fascinans” may be associated with the retreats that have been organized for years in September by the Dominican Liturgical Center Foundation – and rightly so, because both the retreats, when we celebrate the liturgy and go into the depths of this mystery that attracts and fascinates us, as well as reading about the liturgy, deepening your knowledge of different traditions and contemporary challenges that the liturgy faces, are connected realities.