On Friday, December 16 at 20:00 we invite you to the Dominican Church in Wrocław for an Advent concert and singing, which we called “Rorate coeli: Advent song of longing”.
At Christmas, we sing Christmas carols together: at home, in church, at school and on the street… And during Advent? Is it possible to make better use of the amazing Advent repertoire and sing the Advent longing together? Advent concert in the church of St. Wojciech (Dominicans) will be an interactive meeting with the music of this period, inviting the inhabitants of Wrocław to rediscover the richness of Polish musical culture and the joy of making music together.
Pieces commonly known and present for centuries in the tradition of this pre-Christmas time will be sung together by the choir and the gathered audience, to later reveal their musical potential in new, artistic arrangements for choir and orchestra. The author of the arrangement is the Krakow composer and teacher, the Dominican friar Dawid Kusz.
We also want to show that high art does not have to be the domain of professional artists. To the choir and instrumental ensemble – almost 50 people! – in addition to professional musicians, we also invited amateur singers and students of music schools from Wrocław to give people from different generations and musical backgrounds the opportunity to discover the artistic potential of the Christian calendar, which for centuries shaped the experience of time and inspired creativity.
The implementation of our project is possible thanks to funding from the PZU Foundation.