We share with you the joy that last Sunday, December 4, we accepted a candidate for our catechumenate in the rite taken from the liturgical book “Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults”.

The ceremony began at the door of the church, where the candidate introduced himself and then addressed the church community with a request for faith that gives eternal life. Gathered at the Church of St. Giles, the community declared its readiness to help him find and follow Christ.

Then the priest made the sign of the cross on the forehead, ears, eyes, mouth and shoulders of the catechumen so that he could know God with all his senses and prepare himself to accept the sweet burden of Christ; and gave him the cross and the book of the Gospels, which will accompany him on his journey.

After accepting the sign of the cross, the Church community led the catechumen into the temple. From now on, she will learn the Christian life by watching the liturgy of the Church, listening to the Word of God and catechesis.