After a two-year break, on May 9-12, the dominican cooperator brothers met in Korbielów. Our president, Łukasz Miśko OP, who accompanied the brothers in the meeting, led a conversation in which he shared how memory, pride, humility and hope build an attitude of gratitude.

The annual meeting of cooperator brothers, after a break caused by the coronavirus pandemic, it was once again held in Korbielów (near Żywiec and Bielsko-Biała, SW Poland) in recent days. This year it was attended by 9 brothers (now 20 brothers belong to the Polish Dominican Province).

The purpose of the meeting is not only to integrate the brothers, rest and pray together, but also includes a formative element. This year, taking advantage of the occasion that the Dominicans are celebrating 800 years of their presence in Poland, the topic of gratitude was raised during the meeting. The invited Elżbieta Wiater PhD, the author of the biography of Brother Gwala Torbiński OP, which is currently being prepared for printing, presented the brothers with an outline of the history of shaping the vocation of religious brothers in the Order of Preachers.